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Living Your Eulogy Virtues

Awhile back in our piece on Minimalism we touched on the topic of death. Inspired by

New Year’s Resolutions

For the 50% of your that feel like Michael Scott, this may not be for you.

End of Year Planning

Some end-of-year housekeeping and planning strategies to close out the year on a good note: Review

IG Live: wHealth Advisors speaks with The Wisemen Project

wHealth Advisors co-founder, Dennis McNamara, recently spoke with Christian Valeriani of The Wisemen Project regarding men’s

The Role of Alternative Investments in Your Portfolio

For decades, pundits have taken a stab at writing the obituary for the traditional 60/40 portfolio
Take back your health

Four simple tips to take back your health

While genetics certainly play a role, the overwhelming majority of our health outcomes are a product
The Wisemen Retreat

Men’s Health: The Wisemen Retreat

About The Wisemen Project The Wisemen Project is a men’s holistic health group that melds proven,

 Federal Tax Proposal – A Summary

The Biden administration recently announced a number of tax proposals to fund new government investments. The
S&P 500 marks 100% gain since March 2020

S&P Gains 100% from March 2020 Low: Now what?

After hitting “rock bottom” following global shutdowns related to the coronavirus in March 2020, the S&P
Scam Alert

Beware of Financial Scams

A personal contact shared a story with us regarding their friend who recently fell victim to

Should I Be Worried About Inflation?

The topic of inflation is getting lots of attention these days. Inflation, for starters, is defined

Seven Types of Rest You Need

In a perfect world, we’d all get 8hrs of quality sleep each night. In reality, many

Cryptocurrency: Should I invest?

Crypto’s place in a portfolio: Cryptocurrency has an identity crisis. Depending on who you ask, some

Estimating Returns: Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst

Between 1926-2020, the US stock market return was basically 10% per year. While it’d be great

The Latest Investment Craze: Non-Fungible Tokens

Over the past month nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, have been all over the news. Saturday Night