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We succeed when our clients maximize their return on investment life

We want to work with you

  • You understand that money can be a powerful tool in creating your most abundant, contentful, and optimized life. This is unique to you, there is no playbook or algorithm.
  • You recognize that all the returns in life, whether in wealth, health, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest. Happiness is built by habits.
  • You play long-term games with long-term people. You make a conscious effort to surround yourself with those that help you be the best version of you—the best parent, partner, professional, etc.

Our Approach


Our relationship with the topics of wealth, health, and happiness is unique to each of us and juggling these competing priorities can often feel like an endless balancing act.

When approaching the financial planning process, our North Star begins with you—your interests, your values, your goals, your visions—and working backwards to align your finances to that ideal life.

As the author James Clear wrote:

“Instead of working toward retirement, work toward your ideal lifestyle. There is usually a path to get there in a few years instead of a few decades.”

There is no finish line. Enjoy the journey, not the destination.

Our difference

Many financial planning firms base their fees on the amount of assets managed. For example, an asset fee of 1% on $1 million of assets equates to $10,000 charged per year. For this fee, many of these firms do not provide a full range of financial planning services.


wHealth Advisors
Non fee only planners
CPA, Tax accountants
Insurance Agents
Portfolio Analysis / Net Worth
Recordkeeping & Spending Plan
Mortgage Review / Refinance Analysis
Debt Management, Reduction & Leverage
Education Planning
Financial Independence Planning / Retirement Analysis
Estate Planning
Rollovers, Pension Plans, Annuities
Goal Setting
Investment Implementation
Life Insurance Analysis / Other Insurance (Home, Auto, etc..)
Tax Planning / Tax Projection
Tax Preparation
Review Employee Benefits
Unlimited Advice
Coaching: Financial / Life / Small Business / Entrepreneurial Development
Never accepts referral fees / commissions / kickbacks
Acts in good faith and with candor
Discloses conflicts of interest

wHealth Advisors:
Non Fee-Only Financial Planners:
CPA/Tax accountants:
Insurance Agents:

Fee-only, no commissions or kickbacks
Commission based on assets
Fee based on hourly Rates + Commission if they are also selling products
Commission and/or fees based on assets



We strongly believe in a low-cost, diversified “passive” approach to investing. This is much different than the typical Wall Street approach taken by most brokers and product salespeople. For a deeper dive into this topic, feel free to request our “Active versus Passive Investing Report.”


Every action has a reaction and this is precisely the case when it comes to taxes. As advisors that plan and prepare our clients’ annual taxes, we believe taxes should be a year-round planning topic, not just something to review at “tax time.” The tax projections that we build for clients serve as a guiding light to many other financial decisions.

Risk Management

Investments are investments, insurance is insurance—treat them as such! We are not fans of the insurance brokers that pitch clients on buying whole life insurance as an “investment.” In most cases (exceptions DO apply), term insurance is the most cost-efficient and effective form of life insurance coverage.

Your wHealth

We operate at our best when our mental, physical, and emotional health are balanced. We believe that your finances, or your wHealth, is the fourth leg of this stool. If you feel burdened by the topic of money (the leading cause of stress*), consider offloading your household finances to a trusted professional (even if it’s not us!).

*Bethune, Sophie (2015) Money stress weighs on Americans’ health, American Psychological Association, Vol 46, No. 4

our team

John Munley founder of wHealth Advisors

John Munley CFP®

Dennis McNamara founder of wHealth Advisors

Dennis McNamara CFP® ChFC® AIF® CSLP®

Woman standing in front of green moss background
Lisa Castillo
Director of Client Care

A force for good

Our commitments go beyond the bottom line. We believe the best business outcomes come from pairing our technical expertise and professionalism with compassion, empathy, and humanity.


"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life"

– Henry David Thoreau

Don’t let uncertainty about finances be the reason you’re not pursuing your ideal life.