Ancient Wisdom, Modern Medicine, and Everything In Between

The Paradox of Choice, both a book and term coined by Barry Schwartz, suggests that with increased options, we face increased stress, decision paralysis, and dissatisfaction with the chosen option.

This couldn’t be more true when it comes to healthcare. The myriad of options make the process of choosing incredibly overwhelming.

We’ll try to break down some of the options available into digestable (perhaps oversimplified?) bite-sized pieces so that you can make informed decisions about your healthcare.

Modern Allopathic Medicine:

Allopathic medicine, also known as conventional or Western medicine, is a scientific and evidence-based approach to diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases and illnesses. It primarily relies on pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, and other technological interventions to treat patients. Allopathic medicine is practiced by medical doctors (MDs) and has been responsible for many life-saving medical advancements and treatments.

Root Cause, Whole Body Medicine:

Integrative Medicine:

Integrative medicine combines the best of allopathic and alternative medicine to provide a comprehensive, patient-centered approach to healthcare. It aims to address the root cause of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms, and considers the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.

Functional Medicine:

Functional medicine is a patient-centered, science-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease. It views the body as an interconnected system, and rather than focusing solely on symptom management, it aims to restore balance and optimal function to the body.

Functional medicine practitioners often use a combination of diagnostic testing, personalized nutrition plans, lifestyle modifications, and, when necessary, conventional medicine to treat their patients.

Proactive Regenerative Medicine

Proactive regenerative medicine focuses on using the body’s natural healing abilities to repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs. Clinics like Fountain Life incorporate advanced diagnostic techniques, targeted therapies, and personalized treatment plans to optimize health and prevent age-related diseases. This approach aims to enhance overall wellness and longevity through proactive care, early intervention, and the use of cutting-edge regenerative technologies.

Ancient Healing Systems:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

TCM is an ancient system of medicine that has been practiced for over 2,000 years. It is based on the concept of Qi, the vital life force that flows through the body. TCM aims to maintain or restore the balance of Qi through various practices, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, and dietary therapy.


Originating in India over 3,000 years ago, Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that aims to maintain a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurvedic practitioners use a combination of herbs, diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to treat various health issues and promote overall well-being.

Alternative Medicine Approaches:


Naturopathy is a system of medicine that emphasizes the body’s innate healing capabilities. It combines various natural healing modalities, such as herbal medicine, nutrition, physical therapy, and stress management techniques, to support the body’s self-healing processes.


Chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those involving the spine. Chiropractors use manual adjustments and manipulations to correct spinal misalignments and restore proper function to the nervous system, promoting overall health.


Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that emphasizes the importance of the musculoskeletal system in overall health. Osteopathic physicians (DOs) use a combination of manual therapy, including spinal manipulation, and conventional medical treatment to address various health concerns.

Mind-Body Therapies:

Mind-body therapies focus on the connection between mental and physical health. Examples include meditation, yoga, tai chi, and guided imagery. These practices can help reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and promote overall health.

Final Thoughts:

Without health, wealth is worthless.

Regardless of your age, having agency over your state of health will increase your odds of living your most fulfilling, productive, and enjoyable life.

By taking charge of your health, you are laying the groundwork for a personally, and financially, prosperous life.

Navigating the wide spectrum of options available can be a complex task but we hope that this high-level summary has provided a better understanding of your options so you can be an advocate for yourself.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any decisions or changes to your healthcare plan.

Cybersecurity in the Age of AI

AI Creating new cybersecurity dilemmas

Imagine a world where machines can think, learn, and adapt at lightning speed, transforming our lives in ways we never thought possible.

This is no longer the stuff of science fiction – it’s happening right now, as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make jaw-dropping advancements at a breakneck pace.

While the potential benefits are staggering, the rapid rise of AI also raises chilling concerns, especially when it comes to cybersecurity.

The Digital Battlefield Has Evolved

Almost overnight, AI has dramatically shifted the dynamics of the digital battlefield.

When comparing cybersecurity to classical warfare, the emergence of AI can be likened to the invention of gunpowder.

Before gunpowder, battles were fought with swords and bows, but the advent of gunpowder weaponry revolutionized combat, demanding new strategies and defenses.

Now, as we’ve officially entered the era of artificial intelligence, it’s never been more important to evolve with the times and stay ahead of emerging threats.

Threats Abound:

AI-Powered Password Attacks

Password security has long been a concern for anyone using online services, and AI is now playing a role in exacerbating this issue.

Advanced AI algorithms can quickly and effectively guess passwords by analyzing patterns, common word combinations, and previous data breaches. This means that even complex passwords may be at risk.

Actionable Steps:

  • Use a password manager to generate and store unique, complex passwords for each of your online accounts.
    • NOTE: In light of recent security breaches at LastPass, we’re recommending that clients consider 1Password.
  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  • Regularly update your passwords and avoid reusing old ones.

AI-Generated Impersonations

Deepfake technology, which uses AI to create highly realistic images and audio, is now being used by cybercriminals to impersonate trusted individuals.

These impersonations can be used to manipulate you into revealing sensitive information or making unauthorized financial transactions.

Actionable Steps:

  • Be cautious of any unexpected requests for personal information or financial transactions, even if they appear to be from someone you know.
  • Verify the identity of the requester through a separate communication channel (e.g., calling their known phone number).
  • Educate yourself and your family about deepfake technology and its potential implications.
  • Skip to the 23:30 mark of The A.I. Dilemma to witness this in action.

Phishing Attacks with AI Assistance

Phishing attacks, where cybercriminals send seemingly legitimate emails or messages to trick recipients into providing sensitive information or downloading malware, are becoming more sophisticated with the help of AI.

AI-generated content can be used to make phishing emails and websites look more authentic, increasing the chances of a successful attack.

Actionable Steps:

  • Be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages, especially those that request personal information or prompt you to click on a link or download a file.
  • Look for signs of phishing, such as poor grammar, misspelled words, or unfamiliar email addresses.
  • Use security software that includes anti-phishing protection and keep it up to date.

AI-Driven Automated Hacking

AI-driven automation is enabling cybercriminals to conduct large-scale hacking attacks at unprecedented speeds.

These attacks can exploit security vulnerabilities in software and systems, putting your financial and personal information at risk.

Actionable Steps:

  • Keep your devices and software up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Use a reputable antivirus program and ensure it is updated regularly.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you share online, especially on social media.

Final Thoughts:

As AI continues to weave its way into our everyday lives, we will inevitably have to increase our vigilance and proactiveness in protecting ourselves against cyber threats.

By understanding the potential threats and taking appropriate steps to safeguard your digital footprint, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of technology while minimizing your exposure to risk.

Stay informed, stay secure, and let’s work together to protect your financial well-being in this ever-changing digital landscape.

Dennis McNamara Invited to Join the Kiplinger Advisor Collective

Kiplinger Advisor Collective

Incredibly honored to share that I’ve been invited into the Kiplinger Advisor Collective, joining a brain trust of financial experts I’ve long admired and followed. 


Our first member call reminded me that even amidst giants, each one of us has unique insights to offer. My own passion for intertwining finance, wellness, and longevity has found its place among these diverse voices. 


There’s a lot of BS in the finance space but Kiplinger has always been a name synonymous with trusted financial advice and was a regular resource for me navigating my own personal finances long before I became an advisor. 


Deeply honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the dialogue & thought leadership while giving back to an organization that has greatly enriched my own journey.


To optimizing wHealth,
