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Let us help you get financially fit

Custom-tailored planning with no sales agenda or conflicts of interest

How We Work

Free Consultation
Let’s schedule some time to chat about you, your needs, and the ways that wHealth may be able to help!
Financial Wellness Review
A 2-4 hour meeting where we dissect the most granular details of your household finances and provide our recommendations.
Ongoing Financial Planning
Full implementation, proactive planning, and ongoing monitoring of your financial life.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Our Fiduciary Oath

The investment and insurance industries are predicated on hiring thousands of high-pressured salespeople that prioritize the maximization of sales and profits. At wHealth Advisors, we’re not naïve to the capitalistic system in which we operatejust the contrary. However, instead of prioritizing our bottom line, we think that it’s a better business decision to prioritize YOU.

As Fee-only Fiduciaries since day one, we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standard in the industry. Similar to the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors, our Fiduciary Oath to you means we shall:

Always act in good faith and with candor

Not accept any referral fees or compensation contingent upon the purchase or sale of a financial product

Be proactive in disclosing any conflicts of interest

Range of topics we cover

Click each box below for details.

Basic Planning

  • Identifying financial goals
  • Evaluating financial statements
  • Cash flow management
  • Financing strategies
  • Economic concepts
  • Time value of money concepts
  • Behavioral finance
  • Financial counseling
  • Debt management


  • Education needs analysis
  • Education savings vehicles
  • Financial aid
  • Gift/income tax strategies
  • Education financing
  • Student Loan Refinancing


  • Evaluation of risk exposures
  • Health insurance and health care
  • Disability Insurance
  • Long-term care insurance
  • Annuities
  • Life insurance
  • Business uses of insurance
  • Property and casualty insurance
  • Insurance needs analysis


  • Planning for investment taxes
  • Incorporating investment risk
  • Assessing investment returns
  • Asset allocation & diversification
  • Bond & stock selection
  • Portfolio development
  • Aligning Investment strategies
  • Alternative investments
  • Asset location analysis


  • Factoring Income taxes
  • Taxation of business entities
  • Taxation of trusts and estates
  • Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
  • Tax reduction techniques
  • Tax consequences of property transactions
  • Passive activity and at-risk rules
  • Charitable/philanthropic contributions and deductions


  • Retirement needs analysis
  • Social Security and Medicare
  • Qualified plan rules & options
  • Tax-advantaged retirement plans
  • Regulatory considerations
  • Plan selection for businesses
  • Distribution rules and taxation
  • Retirement income distribution
  • Business succession planning

Estate Planning

  • Consequences of property titling
  • Strategies to transfer property
  • Estate planning documents
  • Gift and estate tax
  • Sources for estate liquidity
  • Taxation of trusts
  • Marital deduction
  • Intra-family and other business transfer techniques
  • Estate planning techniques

Other Planning

  • Buy vs. Lease a Car decision
  • Buy vs. Rent a Home decision
  • Credit card selection
  • Career Planning
  • Job Offer negotiation
  • Employee benefits selection
  • Saving for Travel
  • Merging Finances

Beyond your finances

Through a variety of exercises and assessments, we help clients identify their individual (and shared) goals, values, and visions for their uniquely ideal life. Based on these results, we work together to prioritize a financial plan of action based on both importance and practicality. The exercises and assessments are done periodically, allowing us to revisit and recalibrate the plan over time.

Health Improvement/Optimization: As planners, we recognize the inherent connection between your finances and your health. As individuals, if in our pursuit of financial independence we sacrifice healthy habits (think: good nutrition, exercise, sleep etc.), we are unlikely to reach our potential as a parent, partner, or professional and are more likely to age quicker and experience more illness, handicaps, and medical bills.

Now, flash forward and try imagining your last 10-20 years of life. What if, instead of spending countless hard earned dollars reactively on doctors, medications, and long-term care expenses that you instead proactively invested in your overall health and were able to stave off illness, maintain your vitality, and have more money, time, and energy for yourself and loved ones?

When approaching the intersection of health and wealth, both the return on investment (ROI) and return on life (ROL) for investing in health is obvious.

Longevity Planning: Longevity-focused lifestyle choices have downstream impacts to the financial plan which may include:

  • allocating funds for expenses related to longevity-focused therapies, supplements, coaches/trainers/doctors, as well as other (currently unavailable) medical advancements, and
  • creating resilient financial plans with longevity in mind. A financial plan that lasts until age 95 is very different from one that lasts until age 110, 120, or beyond.

Your health, your life, your finances:

Even the most bulletproof financial plans are worthless if you find yourself in poor health. Similarly, the positive impacts of good health, while perhaps harder to quantify, are difficult to understate.

Our endgame: To ensure that you have the financial means and health to live your most contentful life.

Who this is for:

For those aspiring to preserve their youth, energy, and vitality for as long as possible while not running out of money in the process. Said another way: for those aspiring to die young, as late as possible (☺).

Whether you are aspiring to eventually compete in the Centenarian Olympics or are just getting started on your health journey — we’re here to support your goals.

When it comes to both health and financial planning, the best time to have started making improvements was 10 years ago, the second best time is now.

How we help:

  • Non-medical counsel, guidance, and accountability on your health journey.
  • Discuss incorporating new habits and lifestyle changes.
  • Help you vet appropriate professionals (doctors, nutritionists, coaches, therapists etc.).
  • Plan for personal and/or professional pivots (think: relocating, planning a career change etc.).
  • Third party longevity questionnaires and calculators to gain a better understanding of how your current health may impact your potential healthspan (i.e. the number of years a person is healthy – not just alive).
  • Building community, extending invitations to health focused webinars/seminars/retreats/travel.

DISCLAIMER: As financial planners, none of our advice qualifies, or should ever be misconstrued as, medical advice.

Human capital can be broken down in a variety of ways. We help clients think about optimizing their human capital through two lenses:

  • Professional: How can you make yourself more valuable (and thus increase your earning potential)?
  • Personal: How can you maintain your physical, mental, and emotional health, your most valued relationships, and your professional aspirations and not burn out in the process?

Preparing your children for their own financial journey (and adulthood!) begins by equipping them with the education, tools, and skills to succeed.

At wHealth Advisors, we work with families in the following areas:

  • College Financial Planning: This service is included for all ongoing clients. Regardless of the age of your child, we’re there to guide families through the educational process. See more of our approach on of the work we do in in College Financial Planning.
  • Student Loan Analysis: Should your or your children have outstanding student loan debt, we’re here to help navigate the best repayment strategies.
  • Financial Literacy: Using a 10 module education program, we provide our clients’ children with the opportunity to learn the skills and personal finance fundamentals that they’ll be able to use throughout their lives.

Life is not linear, let us help you navigate the twists and turns