Men’s Health Month

For starters – Happy (belated) Father’s Day to all the rad dads out there.

In addition to Father’s Day, June also marks a special time on the calendar as it’s Men’s Health Month.

We wanted to honor this time of year to delve into some specific ways men can improve their health:

Getting under the (health) hood:

45.7%:  According to Statista data from 2019, this is the percentage of men that die from either heart disease or cancer.

Sadly, these statistics haven’t changed much over the years.

Fortunately, a growing body of medical research has given more clarity to the causes of these diseases.

The best prevention to heart disease and cancer?

Early detection and lifestyle intervention.


The American Cancer Society recommends that men with an average risk of colorectal cancer should start regular screening at age 45.

However, men with a family history of colon cancer or other risk factors should consult with their healthcare provider to determine the best time to start.

A colonoscopy allows for early detection of colorectal cancer, which is the third most common cancer in men in the United States. Regular screenings can help detect abnormal growths or polyps, which can be removed before they develop into cancer.

Prostate and Testicular Examinations:

Professional screenings (for the prostate) and regular self-examinations (for the testicles) are vital for early detection of prostate and testicular cancers.

Talk to your healthcare provider about when to start and how often to do these exams.

Blood Lab Panels:

Getting detailed blood labs – not just the standard ones offered by your general physician – are a helpful way to better understand your current state of health.

I (Dennis) recently ran my panels for the first time using Function.

For just $499, Function runs over 100 lab tests that screen heart, hormones, cancer, thyroid, nutrients, inflammation, toxins, kidney, liver, and autoimmunity.

For an additional fee, it offers access to cutting-edge tests like Grail’s Galleri, capable of detecting 50 types of cancer.

Each result is paired with easy-to-read actionable insights, derived from the latest research and a unique collaboration with some of the world’s top functional medicine doctors.

Mental Health:

According to Forbes Health, over 1/5 of adults in the US experienced a mental health condition.

Women who experienced an issue received mental health services at a rate of 51.2% while only 37.4% of men received services.

A large contributor to this gap is attributed to societal norms and gender roles which create a stigma that discourages men from expressing their emotions openly or seeking help.

If getting connected with a therapist feels overwhelming, consider online platforms such as Talkspace and Betterhelp.

Dudes Need Dudes:

The concept of men acting as “lone wolves” valorizes self-reliance and independence. While seemingly empowering, this idealogy more often leads to a sense of isolation and emotional detachment.

The idea of self-sufficiency creates a barrier for many men where emotions and vulnerabilities get suppressed which only exacerbates the feelings of loneliness and despair.

Contrary to the imagery of the lone wolf, strength and resilience are often found not in isolation, but in the collective.

Just as a wolf pack operates as a cohesive unit, drawing strength from its numbers and the diverse skills of its members, humans too are social creatures who thrive on connection and community.

This truth has been affirmed by numerous studies, which have shown that social connection can:

  • improve physical health
  • bolster mental wellbeing
  • extend lifespans.

When men resist the allure of the lone wolf archetype and instead foster strong, supportive relationships, they can share their burdens, celebrate their triumphs, and find solace in the knowledge that they are not alone.

Man Meet-ups:

Men who hope to expand their social networks can explore:

  • Sports & rec clubs
  • Meetup groups ( has tons of options)
  • Volunteer organizations
  • Gyms and fitness classes
  • Professional networking groups
  • Men’s groups (shout out to The Wisemen Project)

Other Men-specific Health Hacks:

Stop carrying your cell phone in pant pockets: 

Cell phones emit non-ionizing radiation and emerging research suggests that carrying them in your pant pockets may not be the best idea.

Some studies have indicated a possible link between cell phone radiation and reduced sperm count or sperm quality.

While further research is needed to fully understand this link, it might be wise to err on the side of caution and avoid carrying your phone in your pocket whenever possible.

Avoid tight underwear: 

Tight underwear can increase the temperature of the testicles, which can reduce sperm production and overall reproductive health.

Even if you’re not interested in reproduction, reproductive health is an indicator of overall health, particularly in men, and is interconnected with other bodily systems.

Choosing looser, breathable, underwear made from fabrics such as cotton are likely best.

Consider cold therapy: 

Cold therapy involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for short periods of time. This can be done via cold plunging, cryotherapy, or even cold showers.

Cold therapy can help reduce inflammation, improve sleep, boost mood, and even improve metabolic health.

Additionally, by the same principle of avoiding tight underwear, it can help men maintain optimal testosterone production, supporting overall male health, including muscle growth, bone density, and sexual function.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any decisions or changes to your healthcare plan.

The Great Game of Generational Wealth: Your Guide to Estate Planning

Information about Estate planning and old glasses.

In the immortal words of Benjamin Franklin, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Let’s add one more certainty to the list: the majority of us avoid thinking about either.

Today we’re going to talk about something most of you would rather dodge: estate planning.

But here’s the kicker:

If you care about your hard-earned wealth and who gets their grubby mitts on it when you’re no longer around to steward it, you need to start thinking about estate planning.


Because without a plan, the only thing certain is that Uncle Sam and a bunch of lawyers are going to have a field day with your assets.

Let’s unpack this.

The Godfather of All Documents: Your Will

First up, the Will.

No, not the will to get off the couch and hit the gym, but the legal document that spells out who gets what from your estate.

Your will serves as the blueprint for the distribution of your assets and properties.

Without it, your state’s intestacy laws decide who gets what.

When you’re creating your will, you’re not just deciding who gets your prized baseball card collection or your beach house in Malibu.

You’re also picking the key players who’ll make sure your wishes are carried out.


Your will’s quarterback.

The executor is responsible for carrying out the terms of your will, navigating the labyrinth that is probate court, settling your debts, and distributing your assets.

This isn’t a job for your flaky cousin who can’t even handle a trip to the DMV. You need someone responsible, organized, and trustworthy.

And, if your estate is complex, they should be able to understand the basics of finance and law or know when to consult with professionals who do.


Guardianship designations are the guardians of your galaxy.

If you’ve got minor children or dependents, this one’s non-negotiable. You need to designate primary and successor guardians who will raise your child(ren) in the event that you/your spouse pass away.

Don’t leave this to the courts to decide.

The Power Players: Durable Power of Attorney & Healthcare Power of Attorney

Next, you’ve got your Durable Power of Attorney. This isn’t some Marvel superhero, but it’s close.

Your DPA is the person you assign to handle your affairs if you’re incapacitated and can’t do it yourself. This includes financial decisions that affect your estate. Choose wisely.

The Healthcare Power of Attorney, on the other hand, makes healthcare decisions on your behalf when you can’t.

Pick someone you trust, who knows your health wishes inside out.

The Inheritance Whisperer: Trusts

Trusts – everyone’s heard of them, but few understand what they do.

In short: they allow you to set terms on how your assets are distributed.

Want your kids to get their inheritance only when they hit 30? A trust can do that.

Plus, they can minimize estate taxes and keep your estate out of probate.

The Unsung Heroes: Beneficiary Designations

Don’t overlook your beneficiary designations.

These dictate who gets the proceeds from your insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other assets.

And here’s the plot twist: these designations override your will. Keep them updated.

The Secret Keeper: HIPAA Authorizations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects your medical information like a Rottweiler guards a steak.

Great for privacy, not so great when you’re incapacitated and your adult children need to make informed decisions about your care.

This document allows your healthcare providers to disclose your health information to anyone you specify. Without it, your adult children might be left in the dark, unable to get important updates about your condition.

It’s also particularly crucial if your children are over 18. Once they reach this age, you no longer have automatic access to their health information, even if they’re still on your health insurance.

If they’re incapacitated, you could be locked out of crucial medical decisions. Encourage your adult children to have their own HIPAA authorizations, listing you or other trusted adults.

The Silent Witness: Letter of Intent

Lastly, consider a Letter of Intent.

It’s not legally binding, but it gives instructions for what you want done with specific assets or even your funeral arrangements.

Think of it as a letter to your executor or a beneficiary.