Optimizing Your Nervous System

This Wellness blog was first featured in our December 2022 monthly newsletter. Similar to that month’s financial contribution, this article is written 99.9% by AI. The first sentence started “At whealthfa.com, we believe…” and I amended to “At wHealth Advisors…”.

What I asked ChatGPT to do:

“Write whealthfa.com blog about the dangers of our nervous system being in sympathetic state too often, and the benefits of being in a parasympathetic state.”

Optimizing Your Nervous System

At wHealth Advisors, we believe that maintaining a balance between the body’s parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems is crucial for overall health and well-being. In this post, we’ll explore the dangers of the sympathetic nervous system being in a constant state of activation, and the benefits of supporting the parasympathetic system.

First, it’s important to understand the role of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems in the body. The parasympathetic system is responsible for promoting relaxation and rest, while the sympathetic system is responsible for the body’s fight-or-flight response. When the body is in a state of balance, these two systems work together to maintain overall health and well-being. However, when the sympathetic system becomes overactive, it can have negative effects on the body.

One of the dangers of the sympathetic nervous system being in a constant state of activation is that it can lead to feelings of chronic stress and anxiety. When the body is in a state of chronic stress, it can have negative effects on the immune system, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being. This can lead to a variety of health problems, including headaches, insomnia, and digestive issues.

Another danger of the sympathetic nervous system being in a constant state of activation is that it can lead to increased levels of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is released by the body in response to stress, and it has many important functions in the body. However, when cortisol levels are constantly elevated, it can have negative effects on the body, including weight gain, decreased immunity, and impaired cognitive function.

On the other hand, the benefits of supporting the parasympathetic nervous system are numerous. When the parasympathetic system is active, the body is able to relax and rest, which can promote overall health and well-being. The parasympathetic system can also help to regulate the body’s stress response, and can support the immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.

In conclusion, the sympathetic nervous system plays an important role in the body’s fight-or-flight response. However, when the sympathetic system is in a constant state of activation, it can have negative effects on the body. On the other hand, supporting the parasympathetic system can promote relaxation and rest, and can support overall health and well-being. By incorporating techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and regular exercise into our daily routine, we can support the parasympathetic system and maintain a healthy balance between the two nervous systems.

AI Wrote This Blog


For this month’s contribution, we allowed AI to write this blog.

A few weeks back I learned about the artificial intelligence company known as OpenAI.


What initially brought OpenAI onto my radar was their AI image generator known as DALL-E.

HOW IT WORKS: You type in whatever you have in mind and the AI generator spits out four different image variations.

Some results are obscure, fragmented, and not useful.

Some are surprisingly on point.

The image used in this section is a DALL-E generated image that was populated after searching:

“A Van Gogh illustration of a financial planner”



Just the other day I learned about OpenAI’s most recent innovation – ChatGPT. ChatGPT is another AI tool that “optimizes language dialogues for conversation.”

After an initial vetting of the system with obvious questions such as

“is artificial intelligence superior to human intelligence?” 


“is it called pork roll or taylor ham?” 

I was satisfied enough with the results and figured it was ready to be deployed for a finance newsletter.

My questions/prompts to ChatGBP in bold followed by ChatGPT’s responses.

Question 1: What are the most devastating, yet avoidable, financial missteps?

The most devastating, yet avoidable, financial missteps can vary depending on an individual’s financial situation and goals. However, some common financial missteps that can have a significant impact on an individual’s financial well-being include:

  1. Not saving for emergencies: Not having an emergency fund can leave individuals vulnerable to financial shocks, such as a job loss or medical expense. Without an emergency fund, individuals may be forced to take on high-interest debt or make other financial decisions that could have long-term consequences.
  2. Not planning for retirement: Not saving enough for retirement or failing to plan for retirement can leave individuals without a stable source of income in their later years. This can make it difficult for individuals to maintain their standard of living and may lead to financial stress and hardship in old age.
  3. Not having adequate insurance: Not having adequate insurance coverage can leave individuals vulnerable to financial losses from unexpected events, such as accidents, illnesses, or natural disasters. Without insurance, individuals may be forced to pay out of pocket for expenses that could be covered by a policy.
  4. Not managing debt: Not managing debt effectively can lead to high-interest payments and financial strain. This can make it difficult for individuals to meet their financial obligations and may impact their credit score and overall financial health.

Overall, avoiding these and other financial missteps can help individuals to manage their finances and avoid financial hardship. It is important to seek professional advice and guidance to help avoid costly financial mistakes.

wHealth Advisors’ Review of Answer: We agree!

Question 2: Should I place assets in international tax havens?

It is generally not recommended to place assets in international tax havens, as doing so can be complex and potentially risky.

Tax havens are countries or territories that offer low or no taxes to individuals and businesses, and are often used by wealthy individuals and corporations to avoid paying taxes in their home countries.

While placing assets in international tax havens may offer some tax benefits, it can also be difficult to manage and may be subject to regulations and reporting requirements.

Additionally, tax havens can be associated with financial crimes and illicit activities, and may not be considered reputable or trustworthy by some investors.

Therefore, it is generally best to consult with a financial planner or advisor before making the decision to place assets in international tax havens.

wHealth Advisors’ Review of Answer: ::PHEW:: We agree!

Question 3: Can you share a positive and negative investment thesis for Amazon (AMZN)?

positive investment thesis for investing in Amazon (AMZN) could include the following:

  1. Amazon is a dominant player in the e-commerce market and has a strong competitive advantage. The company’s scale, customer base, and range of products and services make it a formidable competitor in the online retail space.
  2. Amazon has a diverse range of businesses, including e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital advertising, which provides the company with multiple sources of revenue and helps to mitigate risk.
  3. Amazon has a history of strong financial performance, with consistent revenue and profit growth. The company’s financial strength and stability make it an attractive investment for investors.
  4. Amazon has a strong brand and reputation, which has helped the company to build a loyal customer base and maintain its position as a market leader.
  5. Amazon’s focus on innovation and customer satisfaction has helped the company to stay ahead of the competition and drive growth. The company’s commitment to continuous improvement and expansion into new markets makes it well-positioned for future growth.

Overall, Amazon’s strong market position, diverse business portfolio, and track record of financial success make it a compelling investment opportunity for investors.

A negative investment thesis for Amazon (AMZN) could include the following:

  1. Amazon faces intense competition from other e-commerce companies, such as Walmart and Alibaba, which could erode the company’s market share and profitability.
  2. Amazon’s business model relies heavily on low prices and thin profit margins, which could make the company vulnerable to changes in the economic environment or shifts in consumer behavior.
  3. Amazon’s expansion into new markets and industries, such as healthcare and groceries, may not be successful and could result in significant losses for the company.
  4. Amazon’s reliance on third-party sellers and fulfillment centers has raised concerns about the company’s ability to maintain quality control and protect customer data. This could damage the company’s reputation and impact its financial performance.
  5. Amazon’s valuation is high relative to its peers and historical averages, which could make the stock overvalued and potentially vulnerable to a decline in price.

Overall, Amazon faces a number of potential risks that could impact its financial performance and make it a less attractive investment for some investors.

wHealth Advisors’ Review of Answer: …Wow…

Question 4: How will AI disrupt individuals’ ability to earn money?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt individuals’ ability to earn money in a number of ways. Some of the potential ways that AI could impact individuals’ ability to earn money include:

  1. Automation of jobs: As AI technologies advance, they may be able to perform many tasks that are currently done by human workers, such as data entry, customer service, and assembly line work. This could result in the loss of jobs for human workers and make it more difficult for them to find employment and earn income.
  2. Increased competition: As AI technologies become more advanced, they may be able to perform tasks that were previously considered too complex or time-consuming for machines to handle. This could lead to increased competition for jobs that require higher-level skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, making it more difficult for human workers to find and retain high-paying jobs.
  3. Changes in the job market: The use of AI technologies may also lead to changes in the job market, with the creation of new types of jobs that require skills in AI and related technologies. This could create new opportunities for workers with the right skills and education, but it could also make it more difficult for workers without those skills to find and maintain employment.

Overall, AI has the potential to disrupt individuals’ ability to earn money by automating jobs, increasing competition, and changing the job market. It is important for individuals to stay informed about developments in AI and related technologies and to adapt their skills and education to prepare for these changes.

wHealth Advisors’ Review of Answer: We appreciate AI’s candor!

Start adapting those skills because the future is now.

Other fun/helpful AI that we stumbled upon in the making of this newsletter:

  • Character.aiWant to have a discussion with an AI version of Socrates? Albert Einstein? Elon Musk? Or, perhaps you need to discuss things with an AI dating coach, life coach, or psychologist? Take your pick at Character.ai.
  • Adept.ai: According to TechCrunch, “Adept aims to build AI that can automate any software process.” What’s that mean? Maybe you need to add a new client to your CRM with notes… or lookup a new home that meets certain criteria… or get profit margin details from a Google Sheet… just ask Adept to do it.Check out the videos on the “about” section of the website. NOTE: You can’t use this product yet but there’s a waitlist to join if interested.
  • Lensa: An all-in-one image editing app that renders selfies into artwork. NOTE: The app is free to download, and there’s a free trial, but in general the service costs $3.99 for 50 images.